How To Keep Neighbours' Cats Out Of My Garden

7 Secrets To Keep Cats Out Of The Garden Pet Trained
7 Secrets To Keep Cats Out Of The Garden Pet Trained from

The Problem with Cats

For many gardeners, cats can be a frustrating and annoying problem. Not only do they frequently use gardens as their personal litter boxes, but they can also be destructive to plants and flowers. If you're tired of dealing with your neighbours' cats in your garden, there are several things you can do to keep them away.

Understanding Cat Behaviour

Before you can effectively keep cats out of your garden, it's important to understand their behaviour. Cats are territorial animals, and they will often mark their territory by scratching and spraying. They also have a keen sense of smell, which they use to navigate and identify their surroundings.

Methods for Keeping Cats Out

1. Use Cat Repellents

There are several commercial cat repellents available, which use scent, sound, or physical barriers to keep cats away. You can also make your own repellents using natural ingredients, such as vinegar, citrus, or herbs like lavender and rosemary.

2. Install Physical Barriers

If you have a specific area of your garden that you want to protect, you can install physical barriers like chicken wire or netting. Be sure to secure the barrier firmly to the ground, as cats are known for their agility and climbing abilities.

3. Provide an Alternative Area

Cats are more likely to use your garden as a litter box if they don't have a suitable alternative. Consider setting up a designated area in your yard with loose soil or sand, which cats will naturally be attracted to for their bathroom needs.

4. Use Motion-Activated Devices

Motion-activated devices like sprinklers or ultrasonic sound emitters can startle cats and discourage them from entering your garden. These devices are often effective but can be costly.

Preventing Future Incursions

Once you've successfully kept cats out of your garden, it's important to take steps to prevent future incursions. This may include regular maintenance, such as removing any potential hiding spots or access points, or using a combination of the methods listed above to create a comprehensive solution.


Dealing with neighbours' cats in your garden can be a frustrating experience, but with a little effort and persistence, you can keep them away. By understanding cat behaviour and using the right methods, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for both yourself and your plants.

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