How To Get Rid Of Foxes In Your Garden: Tips And Tricks

How To Get Rid Of Foxes Getting rid of an infestation caused by foxes
How To Get Rid Of Foxes Getting rid of an infestation caused by foxes from


Living in the countryside can be a dream come true, but it also comes with its challenges. One of those challenges is dealing with foxes in your garden. Foxes are beautiful creatures, but they can cause a lot of damage to your garden. They can dig holes, uproot plants, and even kill small pets. In this article, we will cover some tips and tricks to help you get rid of foxes in your garden.

Understand Fox Behavior

Before you start taking action, it's important to understand fox behavior. Foxes are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. They are also territorial, so if you see a fox in your garden, there's a good chance it's the same fox every night. Foxes are also attracted to food, so if you have a compost heap or bird feeders in your garden, they will be drawn to them.

Secure Your Garden

The first step in getting rid of foxes is to secure your garden. Foxes are very good at digging, so it's important to have a sturdy fence that goes at least 1 foot below ground level. Make sure there are no holes or gaps in your fence, as foxes are very good at squeezing through small spaces. You can also use electric fencing to keep foxes out.

Remove Food Sources

As mentioned earlier, foxes are attracted to food. Remove any food sources from your garden, such as bird feeders or compost heaps. Make sure your rubbish bins are securely closed, as foxes will rummage through them looking for food.

Use Repellents

There are several repellents you can use to keep foxes away from your garden. One of the most effective is to use a motion-activated sprinkler. When a fox walks past the sprinkler, it will activate and spray water, scaring the fox away. You can also use fox repellent sprays, which contain a scent that foxes find unpleasant.

Call in the Professionals

If you have tried all of the above tips and still have a fox problem, it may be time to call in the professionals. Pest control companies can use humane traps to catch the fox and relocate it to a more suitable location. It's important to remember that foxes are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, so killing them is illegal.


Getting rid of foxes in your garden can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. By understanding fox behavior, securing your garden, removing food sources, using repellents, and calling in the professionals if needed, you can keep your garden fox-free. Remember, foxes are beautiful creatures that are an important part of our ecosystem, so always try to use humane methods to deal with them.

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